
Big Data and its Characteristics

Big data is term that is used representing the collection of datasets of enormous volume and complexity. Such data cannot be processed and analyzed using traditional data processing tools as the data is not only voluminous, but also unstructured. Characteristics of Big data Volume- the most prominent characteristics of big data is its enormous size […]

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Cloud Computing Short Notes

Cloud Computing is defined as Computer-based services delivered over the Internet. It doesn’t store any data on your computer. The services comprise software, hardware, databases, storage etc.The reason behind the term ‘Cloud’ is the design of network at different location with different network devices similar to cloud.

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What do you understand by the Internet of Things? List some of its potential applications.

The ‘Internet of things’ is a network of interrelated mechanical and digital devices, computing devices and other objects that have embedded hardware and software to communicate with others on the same network without the need of any human-to-computer or human-to-human interaction. Some potential applications of IoT are- Smart Home security system Smart Cities Smart Wearable

What do you understand by the Internet of Things? List some of its potential applications. Read More »

List some of the cloud-based services that you are using at present.

Based on the standard models of cloud-based services we are using are listed below-aaS (Infrastructure as a Service) – Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean, MS Azure– PaaS (Platform as a Service) – Google App Engine, AWS Beanstalk– SaaS (Software as a Service) – Google Workspace, Dropbox

List some of the cloud-based services that you are using at present. Read More »

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