Societal Impact

Question-21 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

Sumit got good marks in all the subjects. His father gifted him a laptop. He would like to make Sumit aware of health hazards associated with inappropriate and excessive use of laptop. Help his father to list the points which he should discuss with Sumit. Answer Take regular breaks and keep away from screen Wash […]

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Question-20 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

Neerja is a student of Class XI. She has opted for Computer Science. Neerja prepared the project assigned to her. She mailed it to her teacher. The snapshot of that email is shown below.Find out which of the following email etiquetteare missing in it. Justify your answer. a) Formal greeting b) Self-explanatory terms c) Identity

Question-20 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12 Read More »

Question-19 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

Cite examples depicting that you were a victim of following cyber-crime. Also, cite provisions in IT Act to deal with such a cyber-crime.a) Identity theftb) Credit card account theft Answer a) Example of Identity Theft Examples of Identity theft Your Bank account is drained Your name is given to police in any crime Phone or

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Question-18 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

In the computer science class, Sunil and Jagdish were assigned the following task by their teacher a) Sunil was asked to find information about “India, a Nuclear power”. He was asked to use Google Chrome browser and prepare his report using Google Docs. b) Jagdish was asked to find information about “Digital India”. He was

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Question-17 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

17. What is data privacy? Websites that you visit collect what type of information about you? Answer Data privacy is all about- proper handling of data controlled access of data protecting data from illegal use or activity taking backups of data Data can be any – Personal data Financial data Sensitive data Intellectual data  stored

Question-17 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12 Read More »

Question-16 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

16. List down the steps you need to take in order to ensure — a) Your computer is in good working condition for a longer time b) smart and safe Internet surfing Answer a) Your computer is in good working condition for a longer time by- keep your computer clean Maintain Hard drives by running

Question-16 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12 Read More »

Question-15 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

Describe why it is important to secure your wireless router at home. Search the Internet to find the rules to create a reasonably secure password. Create an imaginary password for your home router. Will you share your password for home router with following people. Justify your answer.a) Parentsb) Friendsc) Neighboursd) Home tutors Answer Reason to

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Question-14 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

When you search online for pictures, how will you find pictures that are available in the free public domain. How can those pictures be used in your project without copyright violations? Answer There are many ways we can find pictures that are available in the free public domain- Search for images using keyword ‘free public

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Question-12 | Ch-6 Societal Impact | NCERT Solution IP-12

12. Write the differences between the following — a) Copyright and Patent b) Non-Ethical Hacking and Ethical Hacking c) Active Footprint and Passive Footprint d) Free Software and Open Source Software Answer Copyright Patent Copyrights are usually granted for creative works Patents are usually granted for Inventions Copyright last for 50-70 years Patent last for

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