NCERT Solutions

1. Give the terms for each of the following:
Collection of logically related records.

a) Collection of logically related records.b) DBMS creates a file that contains description about the data stored in the database.c) Attribute that can uniquely identify tuples in a relationd) Special value that is stored when actual data value is unknown for an attribute.e) An attribute which can uniquely identify tuples of the table but is […]

1. Give the terms for each of the following:
Collection of logically related records.
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What is the difference between else and elif construct of if statement?

To implement conditions in a program we always use if statement. We can use single if statement or multiple if statement as per our situation. When we want to implement multiple if statement than we use if…elif…else statement in python. Here ‘eleif’ is short form of ‘else if’ which is used in other languages. We

What is the difference between else and elif construct of if statement? Read More »

Write a program that asks the user to enter one’s name and age. Print out a message addressed to the user that tells the user the year in which he/she will turn 100 years old.

from datetime import datedates = = input(“Enter your Name”)age = int(input(“Enter your Age”))diff = 100 – ageresult_year = dates.year + diffprint(“You will turn 100 years old in “, result_year)

Write a program that asks the user to enter one’s name and age. Print out a message addressed to the user that tells the user the year in which he/she will turn 100 years old. Read More »

Write a Python program to calculate the amount payable if money has been lent on simple interest. Principal or money lent = P, Rate = R% per annum and Time = T years.

P = int(input(“Enter Principal Amount or Money lent”))R= int(input(“Enter Rate of Interest”))T = int(input(“Enter Time Period”))SI = (P*R*T)/100amt = P + SIprint(“Amount Payable is = ” , amt)

Write a Python program to calculate the amount payable if money has been lent on simple interest. Principal or money lent = P, Rate = R% per annum and Time = T years. Read More »

Which data type will be used to represent the following data values and why?

a) Number of months in a year.b) Resident of Delhi or notc) Mobile numberd) Pocket moneye) Volume of a spheref) Perimeter of a squareg) Name of the studenth) Address of the student ANS: a) ‘int’ data type will be used because number of months is always an integer or whole number. b) ‘bool’ (boolean) data

Which data type will be used to represent the following data values and why? Read More »

Which of the following identifier names are invalid and why?

Ans: a) Serial_no. Invalid We cannot use any punctuation mark in identifier name b) 1st_Room Invalid Variable name cannot begin with number c) Hundred$ Valid We can use ‘$‘anywhere in variable name except at the beginning. d) Total Marks Invalid We cannot provide space between the names of variable. e) Total_Marks Valid We can use

Which of the following identifier names are invalid and why? Read More »

How IoT and WoT are related?

IoT allow us to interact with different devices through internet using smartphones or computers, thus creates a personal network and on the other side WoT allow us to use web services to connect anything in the physical world. Hence we can say that both are communication medium Uses networking protocols Creates network of different objects

How IoT and WoT are related? Read More »

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