Create and Apply Styles in a Document Notes Solutions

  1. What do you mean by styles?
    A style is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages, text, frames, and other elements in your document to quickly change their appearance. When you apply a style, you apply a whole group of formats at the same time.
  1. Why use styles?
    Following are the use of styles:
    1. Styles help improve consistency in a document.
    2. They also make major formatting changes easy.
    3. Styles make the formatting task easy.
  1. What are the advantages of styles?
    Using styles, we can apply many formatting features at one click.
    – It helps in improving consistency of a document
    – It makes formatting task easy
    – It saves our time and effort as long and complex document can be formatted easily by applying a style once.
  2. List the types of styles supported by OpenOffice.
    Following are the different types of styles supported by OpenOffice:
    Page styles– It include margins, headers and footers, borders and backgrounds.
    Paragraph styles – It manages paragraph’s appearance, such as text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders etc.
    Character styles – It includes font, font styles, size color of text etc.
    Frame styles – These are used to format graphic and text frames, including borders, backgrounds, and columns.
    Numbering styles – It contains bullet and numbering, alignment.
    Cell styles – It include fonts, alignment, borders, background, number formats (for example, currency, date, number), and cell protection.
    Graphics styles – in drawings and presentations include line, area, shadowing, transparency, font, connectors, dimension, and other attributes.
  1. List the ways open office provide to apply style in a document?
    There are several ways we can apply styles in a document as given below:
    – Using style and formatting window
    – Using fill format mode
  1. Write steps to apply style in a document using ‘style and window’ mode
    Steps for applying style in a document using ‘style and window’ mode is as follows:
    1. Click style and format icon located at left end of the object bar
    2. Click format and select style and formatting. A dialog box opens which include all formatting style categories.
    3. Select any style category icon displayed at the top of dialog box. A list of style is populated.
    4. Double click on any of the style you want to apply.
  1. Write steps to apply style in a document using Fill Format mode.
    Steps to apply style in a document using fill format mode are as given below:
    1. Click style and format icon located at left end of the object bar
    2. Click format and select style and formatting. A dialog box opens which include all formatting style categories.
    3. Click on fill format mode icon displayed at the top of window
    4. Move the mouse over the paragraph, page, or frame you want to format and click.
    5. Hold down the mouse button while selecting the characters, clicking on a word applies the character style for that word.
    6. Repeat step 5 until you made all the changes for that style.
    7. Press Esc to close the style and formatting box.
  1. How can we create our own style (custom) in open office?
    1. Open the Styles and Formatting window and choose the type of style you want to create.
    2. In the document, select the item you want to save as a style.
    3. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on the New Style from Selection icon
    4. In the Create Style dialog, type a name for the new style. The list shows the names of existing custom styles of the selected type.
    5. Click OK to save the new style.
  1. Can we modify the styles in open office? If yes than list the ways we modify.
    Yes, we can modify the styles in open office. Following are the ways we can modify styles:
    1. Updating a style from a selection
    2. Load or copy styles from another document or template
  1. Write steps to modify a style using ‘update by selection’.
    Steps to modify a style using update by selection are hereunder:
    1. Open the Styles and Formatting window.
    2. In the document, select an item that has the format you want to adopt as a style.
    3. In the Styles and Formatting window, select the style you want to update (single-click, not double-click), then long-4. click on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon and click on Update Style.
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