Create and Customize Table of Content Notes and Solution

What is the significance of Table of Content?

Table of content lets us arrange all the sections of a document by keeping its heading in a sequence at the top of the page. User can easily take overview of complete document by looking at Table of Content without scrolling whole document.

 Write some advantages of Table of Content.

  1. It provides more professional appearance to the document.
  2. It helps user to take overview of document quickly
  3. User can jump directly to desired section without scrolling whole page
  4. It helps to organize all the topics sequentially and hence chances of missing any topic are very less

By default, how many levels of heading we can set in Table of Content?

Three levels

How many levels of headings can be arranged in open office?

Ten levels

How can we protect table of content against manual changes?

We can protect table of content against manual changes by following steps given below:

  1. Right click over the table of content and select Update Index/Table option from popup menu. A dialog box opens.
  2. Check ‘Protect against manual changes’ checkbox under the Index/Table tab of dialog box.
  3. Click on OK

Write steps to change the background of Table of Content.

Following are the steps to change the background of Table of Content:

  1. Right click over the table of content and select Update Index/Table option from popup menu. A dialog box opens.
  2. Click on background tab
  3. Select a color you want from color grid
  4. Click on OK

How can we create Table of Content in a document in Open office?

  1. Place the cursor where you want the table of contents to be inserted.
  2. Select Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables.
  3. Change nothing in the Insert Index/Table dialog. Click OK.
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