Sumita Arora Solution

What do you understand by linear and non-linear data structures?

Linear data structure– Data elements are stored in a sequence– Each data element is connected to next or previous adjacent element– Exp- stack, queue, linked listNon-linear data structure– Data elements are distributed over a plane– Data elements are connected in hierarchical manner.– Exp-Tree

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Is data structure related to data type? Explain

Yes data structure is related to data type. Following are the reasons-– Data type ensure which type of data a data structure will contain– Data type ensure the type of operations can be performed on data structure– Data type determines the size of data structure in terms of memory.

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What is data structure? Name some common data structure

– Data structure is way of organizing, managing, process data in efficient manner.– Data Structure is physical implementation of data.– Data structure helps processor to process and handle large and complex data without any failure.– Data structure allows running a program or implementing operation at minimum time.– Data structure allows to minimum memory space to

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What are the advantages of saving data in:
(i) Binary form
(ii) Text form

Binary formIn binary files data is stored in raw i.e. binary form , no delimiter is needed and translation of data is not required. Hence binary files are faster and easier for program to read and write than text files. Text formIn text file data is stored in Unicode or ASCII that can be read

What are the advantages of saving data in:
(i) Binary form
(ii) Text form
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What role is played by modes in file operations? Describe the various file mode constants and their meanings.

Mode determines the type of operation (such as reading data from file, writing data from file, closing file )to be done on data file. It tells how the data file will be used after opening it. File Mode Description Purpose “r” Read only Open file in read only mode. “w” Write only Existing data of

What role is played by modes in file operations? Describe the various file mode constants and their meanings. Read More »

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