Chapter 2: Python Pandas-II

Type-A Very Short Answer Questions

1. Name the function that iterate over a Dataframe horizontally?
2. Name the function that iterate over a Dataframe vertically?

3. Write equivalent expression for the given functions:
(i) A.add(B) (ii) B.add(A) (iii) A.sub(B) (iv) B.sub(A) (v) A.rsub(B) (vi) B.mul(A) (vii) A.rdiv(B) (viii) B.div(A)

4. Is the result of sub() and rsub() the same? Why/why not?

5. Write appropriate function to perform the following on a Dataframe.
(i) Calculate the sum (ii) Count the values (iii) Calculate the average (iv) Calculatethe median
(v) Calculate the most repeated value (vi) Calculate the standard deviation (vii) Calculate the variance
(viii) Calculate the maximum value

6. What does info() and describe() do?

7. Are sum() and add() functions are same?

8. Name some functions that perform descriptive statistics on a Dataframe.

9. To consider only numeric values for calculation, what argument do you pass to statistics function of Pandas?

10. Is there one function that calculate much of descriptive statistics values ? Name it.

11. What happens if mode() returns multiple values for a column but other columns have a single mode?

12. What is quantile and quartile?

13. Name the function that lets you calculate different types of quantiles.

14. Name the function that gives you maximum and minimum values in a Dataframe.

15. Name the function that give you the index of maximum and minimum values on a dataframe.

16. What is pivoting? Name the two functions that you can use for pivoting.

17. What is the basic difference between pivot() and pivot_table()?

18.What is missing data?
19. Why is missing data filled in Dataframe with some value?
20. Name the function you can use for filling missing data?
21. Name some function to handle missing data.

22. Name the function to create histogram from DataFrame.
23. Name some functions used to join or combine dataframes.
24. Name two functions that can produce result similar to SQL joins.

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