Decimal to Binary Conversion
Following are the steps to convert Decimal Number System to Binary Number System:
- Divide the number by the base value of the Binary Number System i.e. 2 you want to convert it from
- Note the remainder
- Keep dividing the quotient by the base value 2 untill it becomes zero and note the remainder of each division
- Write all noted remainders in reverse order (bottom to top)
Example 1: Convert (45)10 to Binary Number.
Example 2: Convert (234)10 to Binary Number
Decimal to Octal Conversion
Following are the steps to convert Decimal Number System to Octal Number System:
- Divide the number by the base value of the Octal Number System i.e. 8 you want to convert it from
- Note the remainder
- Keep dividing the quotient by the base value 8 until it becomes zero and note the remainder of each division
- Write all noted remainders in reverse order (bottom to top)
Example 1: Convert (186)10 to Octal Number.
Example 2: Convert (1683)10 to Octal Number.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
Following are the steps to convert Decimal Number System to Hexadecimal Number System:
- Divide the number by the base value of the Hexadecimal Number System i.e. 16 you want to convert it from
- Note the remainder
- Keep dividing the quotient by the base value 16 untill it becomes zero and note the remainder of each division
- Write all noted remainders in reverse order (bottom to top)
Example 1: Convert (763)10 to Hexadecimal Number.
Example 2: Convert (2940)10 to Hexadecimal Number.
Binary to decimal Conversion
Following are the steps for converting Binary to Decimal number:
- Write down binary number
- Starting from right to left, Write position number of each bit of given binary code
- Find positional value of each bit by raising its position number as power to the base 2
- Multiply each bit with its positional value and find its corresponding decimal number
- Add all these decimal numbers to find equivalent Decimal number of given Binary Number.
Example 1: Convert (10011)2 to Decimal Number
Example 2: Convert (111100)2 to Decimal Number
1 x 25 + 1 x 24 + 1 x 23 + 1 x 22 + 0 x 21 + 0 x 20
= 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 0
= (61)10
Octal to decimal Conversion
Following are the steps for converting octal to decimal number:
- Write down octal number
- Starting from right to left, Write position number of each digit of given octal code
- Find positional value of each bit by raising its position number as power to the base 8
- Multiply each bit with its positional value and find its corresponding decimal number
- Add all these decimal numbers to find equivalent Decimal number of given Octal Number.
Example 1: Convert (336)8 to Decimal Number
Example 2: Convert (1325)8 to Decimal Number
1 x 83 + 3 x 82 + 2 x 81 + 5 x 80
= 512 + 192 + 16 + 5
= (725)10
Hexadecimal to decimal Conversion
Following are the steps for converting Hexadecimal to Decimal number:
- Write down Hexadecimal number
- Starting from right to left, Write position number of each symbol (digit or character) of given hexadecimal code
- Find positional value of each symbol (digit or character) by raising its position number as power to the base 16
- Multiply each bit with its positional value and find its corresponding decimal number
- Add all these decimal numbers to find equivalent Decimal number of given Hexadecimal Number.
Example 1: Convert (7AC)16 to Decimal Number
Example 2: Convert (1BF6)16 to Decimal Number
1 x 163 + 11 x 162 + 15 x 161 + 6 x 80
= 4096 + 2816 + 240 + 6
= (7158)10
Binary to Octal Conversion
- Write Binary Number
- From right to left, group all the bits of binary in the set of three
- Add 0 to the left of the last bit of given binary number incase set of 3 bit is not formed
- Write octal no for each corresponding set of 3 bits
- Group these octal digits together to form equivalent octal number
Example 1: Convert (100110101)2 in Octal Number
Example 2: Convert (1011)2 in Octal Number
1 0 1 1
001 011
1 3
Octal to Binary Conversion
- Write octal number
- Replace each digit of octal number with its equivalent set of 3-bit
- From left to write Arrange and write all 3-bit sets together and form binary equivalent of given given octal number.
Example 1: convert (745)8 into binary number
Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
- Write Binary Number
- From right to left, group all the bits of binary in the set of four
- Add 0 to the left of the last bit of given binary number incase set of 4 bit is not formed
- Write hexdecimal no for each corresponding set of 4 bits
- Group these hexadecimal digits together to form equivalent octal number
Example 1: Convert (1100110101)2 in hexadecimal Number
Example 2: Convert (11101001101)2 in Hexadecimal no
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
0111 0100 1101
7 4 D
= (74D)16
Hexadecimal to binary conversion
- Write hexadecimal number
- Replace each digit of hexadecimal number with its equivalent set of 4-bit
- From left to write Arrange and write all 4-bit sets together and form binary equivalent of given hexadecimal number.
Example 1: convert (CA12)16 into binary number
Conversion of Decimal Number with fractional part to Binary number
Following are the steps to convert the fractional part of a decimal number to binary number system:
- multiply the fractional part by the base value 2 repeatedly till the fractional part becomes 0.
- from top to bottom, Write integer part of the number to get equivlent binary number.
- If the fractional part does not become 0 in successive multiplication, then stop after 10 multiplications. In some cases, fractional part may start repeating, then stop further calculation.
Example 1: convert (0.625)10 to binary number.
Example 2: convert (.36)10 to binary number
Conversion of Decimal Number with fractional part to Octal number
Following are the steps to convert the fractional part of a decimal number to Octal number system:
- multiply the fractional part by the base value 8 repeatedly till the fractional part becomes 0.
- from top to bottom, Write integer part of the number to get equivlent Octal number.
- If the fractional part does not become 0 in successive multiplication, then stop after 10 multiplications. In some cases, fractional part may start repeating, then stop further calculation.
Example 1: convert (0.175)10 to Octal number.
Example 2: convert (0.345)10 to octal number
Conversion of Decimal Number with fractional part to Hexadecimal number
Following are the steps to convert the fractional part of a decimal number to Hexadecimal number system:
- multiply the fractional part by the base value 16 repeatedly till the fractional part becomes 0.
- from top to bottom, Write integer part of the number to get equivlent Hexadecimal number.
- If the fractional part does not become 0 in successive multiplication, then stop after 10 multiplications. In some cases, fractional part may start repeating, then stop further calculation.
Example 1: convert (0.175)10 to Hexadecimal number.
Example 2: convert (0.220)10 to Hexadecimal number
Binary with fractional part to decimal Conversion
Following are the steps for converting Binary with Fractional part to Decimal number:
- Write down binary number
- Find positional value of each bit by raising its position number as power to the base 2
- Multiply each bit with its positional value and find its corresponding decimal number
- Add all these decimal numbers to find equivalent Decimal number of given Binary Number.
Example 1: Convert (10011.11)2 to Decimal Number
Example 2: Convert (101.01)2 to Decimal Number
1×22 + 0x21 + 1×20 . 0x2-1 + 1×2-2
= 4 + 0 + 1 . 0 + 0.25
= (5.25)10
Binary with fractional part to Octal Conversion
- Write Binary Number
- Group all the bits of binary in the set of three
- Add 0 to the left of the last bit of integer part and to the right of the last bit if the fractional part of given primary number, incase set of 3 bit is not formed
- Write octal no for each corresponding set of 3 bits
- Group these octal digits together to form equivalent octal number
Example 1: Convert (10101.01101)2 in Octal Number
Example 2: Convert (1011.10)2 in Octal Number
1 0 1 1 . 1 0
011 011 . 100
3 3 . 4
Binary with fractional part to Hexadecimal Conversion
- Write Binary Number
- Group all the bits of binary in the set of four
- Add 0 to the left of the last bit of integer part and to the right of the last bit if the fractional part of given binary number, incase set of 4 bit is not formed
- Write hexadecimal no for each corresponding set of 4 bits
- Group these hexadecimal digits together to form equivalent hexadecimal number
Example 1: Convert (110101.011011)2 in Octal Number
Example 2: Convert (1011111011.1011010)2 in Octal Number
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 . 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
0010 1111 1011 . 1011 0100
2 F B . B 4