Digital documentation Class 10 Notes | Information Technology 402 Class 10

Get Latest and well organized Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes covering all chapters Styles, Images, Templates, Table of Content and Mail Merge used in Open Office Writer. All the topics in Digital Documentation Class 10 Notes are written in concise manner so that student can learn, understand and remember easily.



  • A style is predefined set of formats used for creating good looking professional documents with least efforts.
  • Style can be applied to selected pages, text, frames and other elements in your document.
  • Every style has a name which when selected, instantly formats the document at once.
  • Style helps improve consistency in a document.

Styles in Open Office

  • Page Styles: it controls appearance of page
  • Paragraph Styles: it controls appearance of paragraph
  • Character Styles: it controls appearance of selected text
  • Frame Style: it control appearance of graphics, columns, text frame
  • Numbering style: it controls bulleting and numbering

Applying Style

  1. Using Style and Formatting Window:
  2. Click style and formatting icon located at left hand of object bar
  3. Select one of the icons at the top left of the style and formatting window
  4. Place the cursor where you want to apply style like in paragraph, page or frame
  5. Double click on the name of style you want to apply

Using Fill Format mode

  1. Open the Style and Formatting window and select the style you want to apply
  2. Click the Fill Format mode icon
  3. Hover the mouse over the element of document such as paragraph or text etc and click.
  4. Press ‘Esc’ to quit Fill Format mode

Creating new Style (Custom Style)

By Selection:

  1. Open the Style and Formatting window
  2. Choose the type of style you want to create
  3. Select the item you want to save as style
  4. Click the ‘New Style from Selection’ icon from Style and Formatting window
  5. In the creating Style dialog, type a name for new style and click OK

Drag and Drop

  1. Open Style and Formatting window
  2. Select the text which formatting style need to be copied
  3. Now drag and drop selected text in Style and Formatting window

We can also modify existing Style in following ways

  • Selection method
  • Load or copy style of other document


Inserting an image

We can insert image in Open Office document in following ways:

Drag and drop

  1. open file explorer and locate the image to be inserted
  2. drag the image into Writer document and drop where you want to inset it

Insert picture dialog

  1. Place the cursor where you want image to appear
  2. Choose Insert → Picture → From file (Insert Picture dialog will be opened)
  3. From Insert Picture dialog select the picture and click on Open

Insert image from clipboard

Using clipboard we can copy image of one document to another document.

  1. Open both source and target document
  2. In source document select the image to be copied
  3. Press Ctrl + C to copy selected image
  4. Switch to target document
  5. Place the cursor where image to be inserted
  6. Press Ctrl + V to copy the image

Insert image using Scanner

If scanner is connected with computer than we can follow given steps:

  1. Place the cursor in document where you want to insert image
  2. Select Insert → Picture → Scan → Select Source

Insert image from Gallery


it is a folder of open office which contains different kind of objects like images, sound that can be in inserted into document as and when required.

  1. Click Gallery icon (located in right side of the standard toolbar) or choose Tools → Gallery
  2. Navigate through the Gallery and find the desired picture
  3. Select and drag it from Gallery to your document
    right click on picture and select Insert → Copy

Modify an Image

We can modify an image in following ways:

  • Picture ToolBar
  • Formatting Toolbar and Picture Dialog

Using Picture Toolbar

How to show or get Picture Toolbar in Writer document?

Click on View →Toolbars → Picture

Using Picture toolbar we can do following corrections in an image:

  • Flip horizontally or vertically

Select the image and click the icon—–

  • Graphic mode

Using Graphic mode we change color of image to grayscale that can be selected from Graphic mode list.

  • Filters

These are special effects which can be applied to an image to make it more catchy and effective. Some of the most commonly used filters are listed hereunder:

  • Colors

Using Colors option individual RGB components, Brightness, Contrast and Gamma of the image can be adjusted.

  • Transparency

It can be sed to make an image more transparent. Mostly it is used when we want to to make watermark or wrap image in the background.

Using Formatting Toolbar and Picture Dialog

How to show or open Picture Dialog?

We can open Picture Dialog by right clicking on picture and selecting Picture.

Using Picture Dialog we can do following corrections in an image:

  • Cropping Image
  • Border of Image
  • Background of Image

Cropping Image

  1. Right click on image and select Picture from pop up menu
  2. In the picture dialog box select the crop tab
  3. In crop tab you can use following options to correct image as per your choice:
    1. Keep Scale: if it is selected, cropping the image does not change the scale of picture
    1. Keep Image size: if it is selected, cropping produce enlargement or shrinking or distortion of the image
    1. Width and height: it changes width or height of the images as you enter value in Top, Left, Bottom and Right field.

Resizing an Image

  1. Select the picture to show the green resizing handles
  2. By holding and dragging in desired way will resize the image.
  3. Release the mouse button

Creating Drawing Object

We can draw different shapes and objects in Open Office Writer document.

How to display or show Drawing Toolbar?

Click on View →Toolbars → Drawing

How to draw object in Open Office Writer | How to use Drawing tool

  1. Place the cursor where you want new object
  2. Select the tool from Drawing Toolbar. Now the mouse pointer changes as cross hair cursor
  3. Now move the crosshair cursor where you want to draw object in document.
  4. Click and drag mouse to create object and release mouse button once done.
  5. Press ‘Esc’ to cancel the selected drawing function

How to change properties of Drawing objects

  • On the drawing toolbar click ‘Select’ tool
  • On the drawing object Properties toolbar click on the property and select the value you want

Grouping Drawing objects

  • Hold down the shift key and select all objects one by one and release shift button.
  • With the object selected, hover the mouse pointer over an object and right click.
  • Select Format → Group → Group from the pop up menu.

Text Wrapping

Text wrapping refers to the relation of graphics to the surrounding text, which may wrap around the graphic on one or both sides, be overprinted behind it or in front of the graphic, or treat the graphic as a separate paragraph or character.

  1. Right click on image and select Picture from pop up menu
  2. In the picture dialog box select Wrap tab
  3. —–


Anchoring refers to the reference point for the graphics. This point could be the page, or frame where the object is, a paragraph or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.

  1. Right click on image and select Picture from pop up menu
  2. In the picture dialog box select —-
  3. —–


What is Template?

  • Templates refer to sample fill in the blank document that can be used to create other documents easily and quickly.
  • Template can contain all predefined text, graphics, set of formatting styles and set up information.
  • All documents in Open Office are based on templates.
  • Open Office uses blank template to create document if default template is not specified.

Creating Template

A Template can be created using following ways

  • Template from Document
  • Template using Wizard

Creating Template from Document

  1. Open a new or existing document
  2. Add the content and style that you want
  3. Click File → Templates → Save
  4. In Template dialog type name of new template in ‘new template’ field
  5. Select the category in category list to which you want to assign template
  6. Click OK

Creating a Template using Wizard

  1. Select File →Wizard → type of template required
  2. Follow the instructions on the page of the wizard
  3. In the last section of wizard provide name to your template and location for saving it

Setting a Default Template

  1. Select File → Templates → Organize
  2. In the box on the left select the folder containing templates
  3. Select the template
  4. Click the command button and select ‘Set as default Template’ from the drop down menu

Using a Template

  1. Select File → New → Templates and Documents
  2. Double click the template you want to use


What is Table of Content?

  • Table of content lets you build an automated table that contains all headings and its sub headings of document in sequential manner.
  • All the headings of Table of content are displayed as hyperlink which helps in navigating whole documents quickly and easily.
  • By default, Table of Content display headings up to 10 levels.

Creating Table of Content

If you want to create Table of Content for your document, than you must ensure that all the heading of document have been set as heading1, heading2, heading3 from Paragraph Style.

Place the cursor where you want Table of Content

Select Insert → Indexes and Tables → Indexes and Tables

Without changing anything in Insert Index/Table dialog, click OK.

How to to update or modify Table of Content?

  • Place the cursor within Table of Content
  • Right click on it and select Update Index/Tables from the pop up menu.

How to add title in Table of Content

  • Place the cursor within Table of Content
  • Right click on it and select Edit Index/Tables from the pop up menu.
  • Type  title in ‘Title’ field
  • Click OK

How to change Number of levels in Table of Content?

  • Place the cursor within Table of Content
  • Right click on it and select Edit Index/Tables from the pop up menu.
  • Enter desired number in the ‘Evaluate up to level’ spin box
  • Click OK

How to protect Table Of Content against Manual changes?

  • Place the cursor within Table of Content
  • Right click on it and select Edit Index/Tables from the pop up menu.
  • Check the ‘Protect against Manual Changes’ check box
  • Click OK

How to change background of Table of Content?

  • Place the cursor within Table of Content
  • Right click on it and select Edit Index/Tables from the pop up menu.
  • Click on Background tab
  • Select  a color
  • Click OK

Deleting Table of Content

  • Place the cursor within Table of Content
  • Right click on it and select Delete Index/Table from the pop up menu.


Mail Merge lets us:

  • Create series of multiple documents based on a single document including personal details taken (merged) from a data source.
  • It is process of merging main document with the mailing address of various persons.
  • It is used to send invitations, letters, print certificate and envelops for several people.

Steps to perform Mail Merge

There are three main steps involved in Mail Merge:

  1. Create Main Document
  2. Create Data Source
  3. Merge Data Source with Main Document

Create Main Document:

  1. Open a template and create a new Writer document
  2. Write message to be communicated with everyone and keep blank space for the address
  3. Save your document

Create Data Source:

  1. Select File → New → Database
  2. Select the type of data like spreadsheet, text, address book or database you like
  3. Click Next
  4. According to the type of data you selected, find its respective file containing personal information(address)
  5. Then click next and continue to step 6
  6. In the window select ‘yes register the database with me’ and ensure ‘open database for editing’ is unchecked
  7. Click Fininsh

Merging the Data Source with Main Document

  1. Open the Main document you created to merge
  2. Place your cursor where you want to insert fields from data source
  3. Press F4, than click + next to the database you want and than click + next to Tables and the + next to the table you want
  4. Now select and drag all fields one by one to the place you want in the document
  5. Format the document as per your choice
  6. Click save Merged documents button

you are done with Mail Merge.

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