“Changes in lives of people and environment due to technologies”
Today’s age which we know as Information technology Age, there is no such area of our life which is not dependent on these technologies. These technologies, mainly computer and internet, have proved to be a boon for our lives, but on the other hand their ever increasing use has also given rise to serious problems like health, environmental pollution and cyber crime, which has increased the concern of our society. This chapter Societal Impact IP Class 12 is mainly based on all these topics.
- 1 Digital Footprint
- 2 Types of Digital Footprint
- 3 How to manage Digital Footprint
- 4 Net Etiquettes
- 5 Digital Communication Etiquette
- 6 Data Protection
- 7 Protection measures of data
- 8 Intellectual Property Rights
- 9 Copyright
- 10 Patent
- 11 Trademark
- 12 IPR Violations
- 13 Plagiarism
- 14 Act termed as Plagiarism
- 15 How to avoid Plagiarism
- 16 Copyright Infringement
- 17 Copyright Infringement Examples
- 18 Trademark Infringement
- 19 Licensing
- 20 Difference between License and Copyright
- 21 Software Licensing
- 22 Types of Software Licensing
- 23 Proprietary License
- 24 Public License
- 25 Free Software and Open Source Software
- 26 GNU General Public License
- 27 Creative Common
- 28 Cyber Crime
- 29 Types of Cyber Crime
- 30 Hacking
- 31 Preventing Hacking
- 32 Phishing
- 33 Prevent Phishing
- 34 Identity Theft
- 35 Identity Theft are of following types-
- 36 Preventing Cyber Crime
- 37 Indian IT Act
- 38 E-Waste
- 39 E-Waste Hazard
- 40 E-Waste Management
- 41 Health Concerns due to overuse of Digital technology
- 42 Health Concerns due to overuse of Digital technology
- 43 Objective Type Questions | MCQ Exercise of Societal Impact
Digital Footprint
Societal Impact Notes, IP Class 12 Societal Impact
- Digital footprint means collection of data or records generated after any activity
- Done by an individual on internet.
- Now a days Digital Footprint plays an important role in making an Individual’s reputation
- Everyone who is connected to internet has Digital Footprint
- Digital Footprints are permanent
- Digital Footprints are also called Digital tattoos.
Types of Digital Footprint
Active Digital Footprint : collection of data or records generated after any activity intentionally done by an individual on internet. Exp-
- Sharing any information on Social Media sites
- Filling Online forms
- login to any type of account such as email, shopping id etc.
- sending and receiving mails
- accepting cookies knowingly
Passive Digital Footprint : Data or records are generated from individual without their knowledge. Exp-
- Turning on Geo location
- cookies installed automatically without concern of user
- like or dislike any activity on social media sites
How to manage Digital Footprint
- Aware with your Digital Footprint
- Responsible E-behave
- Clean Digital Footprint
- Limited access of Information
- Careful Posting
- Double check Privacy Setting
- Delete unwanted internet files
Net Etiquettes
“ Responsible, Safe, positive, legal and ethical use of Internet (digital technology) “
Do’s | Dont’s |
Respect other’s Privacy | Do not violate copyright laws. |
Respect other’s diversity | Respond to Internet Trollers |
Avoid Cyber Bullying | Spamming |
Careful while sharing information | Share personal and sensitive information |
Update credentials regularly | practice unauthentic sites |
Aware with digital footprint | Use sarcasm |
Digital Communication Etiquette
- Don’t respond to junk mails or spam.
- Avoid including large attachments
- Do not use abusive language during communication
- Avoid using sarcasm.
- Be careful and responsible which making any comment
- Do not connect with unknowns
- Keep accounts secured with strong password and update regularly
Data Protection
- Security and control on data stored digitally to avoid any inconvenience, harm, loss or embarrassment
- Each country has its own data protection law to ensure right protection of data from any changes or breach.
Protection measures of data
- Strong data encryption
- do not share sensitive and personal information
- check your data status regularly
- share information on social media carefully and responsibly and avoid oversharing
- ensure proper security measures for your system
- avoid opening unknown and unauthenticated mails
- avoid unexpected verification calls
- take data backups regularly
- take digital breaks occasionally
Intellectual Property Rights
- Intellectual property refers to the products developed by a person or organization by his reasoning power or intelligence. For example, literary works, inventions, artwork, research, software, information etc.
- Intellectual Property Rights stipulates that the creator has full rights over an intellectual property and can protect it. He can decide how much intellectual property can be used and he can take it financially if he wants.
- IPR also enables the creator or copyright owner to earn recognition or financial benefit by using their creation or invention.
- Intellectual Property is legally protected through
- Copyrights
- Patents
- Trademarks

- It protects form of expression of Idea.
- It protects any original literary, artistic, dramatic, musical, creative work.
- Copyright lasts for 60 years.
- It is automatically granted to creator or authors.
- It protects functional expression of Idea.
- It protects inventions
- It is applied in Industries, Machines, Processes, manufactures etc.
- It is registered right, which means one need to legally register and get patent from govt agencies.
- A trademark is a word, symbol, design, label or phrase that identifies specific product and distinguish it from similar products.
- It should be unique
IPR Violations
- Plagiarism
- Copyright Infringement
- Trademark Infringement
Copying or stealing Intellectual properties without giving credit to its creator or owner.
Act termed as Plagiarism
- Presenting someone else’s idea or work as one’s own idea or work
- Using someone else’s work without giving credit to him/her
- providing incorrect source of information
- using someone else’s work wrongly intended originally something else
- modifying someone else’s work without attributing to creator
How to avoid Plagiarism
- Give credit to creator or owner of intellectual property being used.
- Preset quote of others as it is.
- Paraphrase quotes
- Create own Intellectual properties.
Copyright Infringement
Unauthorized use of copyright protected property without the permission of copyright holder
Copyright Infringement Examples
- using copyright images in your document
- using someone’s song as background in your work
- download movie from unauthorized source
- record TV program and distributing with others
Trademark Infringement
Unauthorized use of Trademark of others in any product or service.
- Legal contract or agreement between user and creator permitting to use original creation with limitations
- License provide rules and guidelines for others to use the existing work
- Licensing is legal term which permits to use copyrighted material
- user can get license of copyrighted material by paying some price
Difference between License and Copyright
Copyright | License |
Legal term ensures ownership of intellectual properties | Legal term permits user to use copyrighted properties conditionally |
Legal right for protection of original work | Legal right for using original work |
Software Licensing
- Legal contract or agreement between user and software developer permitting to use and distribute software
- It’s a legal text document defines that outlines
- responsibilities of parties to use software with imposed restrictions
- end user rights such as installation, warranties etc
- protection of developer’s intellectual property
- it ensures source code availability to user or not
Types of Software Licensing
- Proprietary License
- Public License
- Free
- Open Source
Proprietary License
- Provides authority to use software only
- Restricts reuse, distribute, code modification
- only provide software with operations

Public License
- Provides authority to use, distribute, code modification
- Provide software with operations and source code
- Encourage developers to improve the design, performance of software so that whole community benefited
Free Software and Open Source Software
Common Features
- Provides authority to use, distribute, code modification
- Provide source code that can rebuild new version of software
- encourage developers to improve the design, performance of software so that whole community benefited
- Difference between and free software and open source software lies at their DISTRIBUTION process.
- Free software is moral philosophy that is more user oriented and Open source is development philosophy that us more business oriented.
GNU General Public License
- GNU GPL is free software license, which provides end users the freedom to run, study, share and modify the software, besides getting regular updates.
- Agencies who distribute GPL license may or may not charge a fee for copies.
- It forces to provide Source code with the software being licensed.

Creative Common
- Creative Common is non-profit organization provides public CC license free of charge.
- CC license is governed by Copyright law.
- CC is used for all kind of creative works like websites, music, film, literature, etc. CC enables the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work.
- There are six different Creative Commons licenses: CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-NC-ND.
- CC BY is the most open license.
Cyber Crime
- Any Criminal offence involves the use of computer, Internet ,communication System or digital technology in any which ways.
- Cyber crime can be categorized in two ways
- Crime that targets computer or technology. For exp – Hacking, Phishing, Virus, DoS etc.
- Crime that uses computer or technology. for exp – Identity theft, Cyber bullying, Illegal downloads, Spamming etc.
Types of Cyber Crime
- Hacking
- Phishing
- Identity theft
- Cyber Bullying
- Cyber Stacking
- Illegal Download
- Dos Attack
- Online Scam
- Plagiarism
- Spamming
- Gaining unauthorized and illegal access of any computer information system with the intention of stealing or damaging that information system.
- Hacking with positive intent is called ethical hacking
- Ethical hackers are also known as White hat hackers
- Hackers practice hacking with negative intentions (Non-ethical) are known as Black hat hackers.
Preventing Hacking
- Install Antivirus in System
- Update System regularly
- Use Secure Wi-Fi
- Keep strong password for accounts and change it frequently
- Avoid clicking and opening unknown and suspicious mails
- Must use authorized software and applications
- Do safe browsing
- The illegal process of obtaining sensitive information of a user by impersonating as a legitimate entity is called phishing.
- Phishing is carried out using emails, text messages or phone calls. most commonly email is involved in such illegal activities
- Phishing is practiced to get
- User Credentials
- Social ID
- Bank Details
- Debit/Credit card details
- Personal Info
Societal Impact Notes
Prevent Phishing
- Ignore unknown and suspicious mail
- Do not open Unwanted and unknown attachments
- Do not click on suspicious links
- use anti phishing toolbar
- check email timings
Identity Theft
Stealing personal information such as Bank details, Voter ID, email ID, Passport, PAN etc of a person illegally by criminals and misuse it in various illegal and criminal activities.
Identity Theft are of following types-
- Financial Identity Theft
- Medical Identity Theft
- Criminal Identity Theft
Preventing Cyber Crime
- Install Antivirus in System
- Update System regularly
- Use Secure Wi-Fi
- Keep strong password for accounts and change it frequently
- Avoid clicking and opening unknown and suspicious mails
- Must use authorized software and applications
- Do safe browsing
- Do not open Unwanted and unknown attachments
- Do not click on suspicious links
- use anti phishing toolbar
- Do not share your personal info with anyone
- do not browse untrusted websites
- ignore cookies of unknown sites
- do online transaction with secured and authentic websites
Indian IT Act
- In India Cyber Law is implemented through Information Technology Act 2000 (IT Act 2000).
- Indian IT Act is related to cyber crime and e-commerce that provide legal infrastructure For e-commerce in India. It came into force in October 27, 2009 onwards.
- Following are some amendment of IT ACT included
- Digital Signature
- Electronic Governance
- Offences and Penalties
- E-waste is all about Electronic waste that includes all electrical and electronic gadgets and components that are n longer of use
- Globally, e-waste constitutes more than 5 percent of the municipal solid waste.
- Electronic waste generally contains deadly elements like cadmium, beryllium, mercury etc.
E-Waste Hazard
- Our Environment
- Acidification of soil
- Air pollution
- ground water pollution
- landfills with lead and heavy metals
- Our Health
- Lung Cancer
- Asthma
- Damage of heart, kidney
- Break central nervous system
- DNA damage
E-Waste Management
The most popular way to manage e-waste is RRR that is
- Reduce- Try to reduce the consumption of electronic and electrical gadgets as much as possible. Purchase only when needed
- Reuse – it refers to reusing electronic goods instead of throwing it. donate or resell to someone willing to use it
- Recycle – Recycling is the process of conversion of electronic devices into something that can be used again and again in some or the other manner
Health Concerns due to overuse of Digital technology
- Isolation
- Depression
- Eye strain
- Poor Posture
- Sleep problems
- Obesity
- Bone joint problems
- Impact on hearing
Health Concerns due to overuse of Digital technology
- Take regular breaks and keep away from screen
- Wash eyes
- During break walk and do stretching
- Sit in correct posture
- Increase physical activities
- turn off your all screen off an hour or two before you go to bed
Societal Impact Notes IP Class 12
Objective Type Questions | MCQ Exercise of Societal Impact
Click Here to view Societal Impact MCQ Set-1
Thank you so much sir for your support.Your videos are awesome sir and your MCQ ‘s series are really very helpful for us 🌹🙏
Thnaks..Keep Learning!!
Really helpful, thnx!!
Thanks..Keep Learning.
All Best!
THANK YOU so much sir your lecture help us a lot and this notes are also very good but if you provide the notes in pdf for it will be more benefical .
Ok..will update you regarding pdf at the earliest.
Keep learning!!
Sir please provide the notes in pdf form
do you have a yt channel sir are there any videos for class 12 ip…
thanks for the notes…
Please visit http://www.youtube.com/c/techtipnow
you will get all video tutorial and mcq series.
Keep Learning..
Best Wishes!!
Sir you and your learning is very helpful for studies
But sir it will get more easy if you provide pdf
Keep Learning..!
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